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Baby B's Birth Story - 4 weeks early


Baby B arrived around 7:40 a.m. on October 11, 2012 weighing 6.5 pounds and measuring 19.5 inches. Wednesday night I started having what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions (light, not too close together, and definitely "menstrual crampy"). Since we were still four weeks from our due date and I wasn't showing any other signs of labor, I assumed it was just my uterus gearing up for the big day, and they died down by the time I went to bed around 10:30. I woke up at 4:30 having to use the restroom, and when I did, I passed my mucus plug. I was also bleeding a bit, so I called my doctor's office and they urged me to go to the ER. I was having light contractions again, but figured I was a long way from "the show". In the hour it took to shower and get our stuff together, I went from light contractions (even threw a load of laundry in) to throwing up and having to stop and breathe through them. I still didn't realize where I was in the process (hello, transition!), but fortunately Brian did thanks to our great Bradley training! We got a few things packed, hopped in the car, and headed to St Joe's (for future reference, I do NOT advise transitioning in the car; it was ROUGH). We got to the hospital around 6:15, handled registration as quickly as possible, and got up to L&D around 6:45. To my surprise (and the nurse's), I was "complete"! Rapid calls to the doctor ensued. The hardest part was waiting until Dr. Rice arrived to start pushing, but at 7:40 (after about 30 minutes of pushing) our little darling screamed her way in to the world.

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